6 min read · Food
For many of us, the morning doesn't always start with breakfast. Getting ready for work, we often end up having a cup of coffee and a sandwich at best. At worst, we don't eat at all and lack of time is generally the most popular excuse. In an unequal battle between having breakfast and sleeping an extra 10 minutes, sleep wins over and over.
7 min read · Sex life
No man likes the idea that something is off with his erection. And men generally prefer not to talk about such a disease as erectile dysfunction. Even in the doctor's office. Many folks try to look for a solution to the problem on the Internet and they succeed. The most common advice on the Internet, which allegedly helps to cope with erectile dysfunction, is to start taking testosterone.
5 min read · Facts
Testosterone and other sex hormones have been under the microscope of scientific research since 1849. 40 years later, at the meeting of the Paris biological society, professor of experimental biology Brown-Séquard announced the results of the experiments conducted. He injected himself with testicular extracts, the source of testosterone, that resulted in rejuvenated physical. By the way, the professor was 72 years old at that time. But the effect lasted only for 2 or 3 months. And the scientist's health could get worse after each time.
5 min read · Stress
For some of us, meditation is about keeping up with modern trends. But not everyone who practices it wonders what the real benefits of meditation are.
5 min read · Sex life
It is a widely held view that it is an easy thing for men to get an orgasm. That is right, since for men that is a biological need wired by nature. But the truth is that ejaculation and feeling pleasure from an orgasm are two different things. An orgasm can just happen, can bring a pleasant feeling, or it can make a man to be over the moon. Absolutely, the partner's role in achieving intense orgasm is huge. But there are ways that can help men double, or maybe even triple the pleasure.
7 min read · Facts
The color of the penis can vary from the skin color elsewhere on the body. And that applies to representatives of any race. Lindsay Bordone, a dermatologist at Columbia University medical center, believes that the color depends on the stage of puberty. When sex hormones interact with melatonin in the skin cells of the penis.
4 min read · Food
For someone who has ever been on a diet, the very word "carbohydrates" sounds like something forbidden. After all, there is an opinion that the consumption of carbohydrates contributes to weight gain. That's why many people decide to give them up to lose weight.
7 min read · Sex life
Masturbation dates back to ancient times. In those days, masturbation was considered a terrible sin. It wasn't until 1972 that the American Medical Association declared that there was nothing wrong with masturbation.
4 min read · Stress
Numerous studies have shown that meditation helps to improve gray matter density, which is responsible for memory, learning, and emotions.
5 min read · Sex life
Scientists from London established that 66% of Brits during sex want their partners to change into themed clothes. And while you are afraid to admit to yourself that this or that scenario excites you, others act out all of the desires with their partner. If you keep imagining yourself in different scenarios more and more often, it's time to learn the popular role-plays and their rules.
4 min read · Sex life
That is a common belief that a man is good at sex when he lasts long in bed to allow his partner to experience an orgasm first.
6 min read · Stress
Cortisol is one of the most important hormones for our body. Cortisol wakes us up in the morning and helps us cope with stress. Along with the positive things that go with it, it can also have negative effects if one is constantly under stress.
7 min read · Sex life
Attempting to diversify their sex lives, couples tend to resort to various experiments. However, the lack of necessary knowledge and simple preparation results in no sexual pleasure whatsoever and does not meet the expectations placed on it. To avoid all the disappointment, you got to keep in mind what kinds of sex you need to prepare for.
5 min read · Fitness
Physical activity is essential for men at any age. After all, exercising is important for a lasting, high-quality sex life.
4 min read · Sex life
Sex certainly matters a lot to men. And not only as a source of pleasure, but also as a tool for maintaining physical health. Scientists from the University of Pennsylvania observed their students and concluded that those who had sex 1-2 times a week and more, on average, were sick twice less often. Unlike those who did not have a regular sex life. Doctors from the medical Institute of Chicago, who have researched sex matter, compared it to push-ups. The more often you have sex, the better your physical performance becomes. For instance, your libido increases.
6 min read · Sex life
In order for sex to be magical and orgasm to be unforgettable, you need to really warm up both yourself and your partner. A good foreplay can guarantee a fascinating ending. Moreover, it is not necessary to know absolutely everything about your partner. You just need to spend more time on the foreplay stage.
5 min read · Facts
All over the world, men live less than women. On average, for 10 years. Despite this fact, the gentlemen stubbornly continue to avoid going to the doctor, even when push comes to shove. According to statistics, men are 20% less likely to seek medical help than women. This disappointing pattern suggests that men really should start taking care of their health. And better start doing it at a young age.
3 min read · Fitness
Habits are the foundation of our lifestyle. We all want to develop healthy habits such as drinking at least 2 liters of water a day and have dinner three hours before going to bed. Unfortunately, not everyone can easily do it.
6 min read · Facts
Drinking ranks first among the most annoying men's habits. The American scientists from the center for family relations reached this conclusion in the course of a survey in which 1,500 women took part. Ladies are not happy when their man spends every evening over a bottle of beer, thereby causing harm to their male health.
6 min read · Sex life
Many people think that only women have to fake an orgasm. Indeed, ladies sometimes have difficulties reaching orgasm during sex. In fact, men also experience this kind of trouble. That was confirmed by a recent study, the results of which were published in the journal Sexual Medicine. It was revealed that only in 80% of cases men experience an orgasm. Sexologists believe that anorgasmia can lead to serious nervous system disorders.