5 tips for better meditation

5 tips for better meditation

For some of us, meditation is about keeping up with modern trends. But not everyone who practices it wonders what the real benefits of meditation are.

In fact, the effect of meditation on the human body is proven by science. In the 1980s, the Nobel prize winner Elizabeth Blackburn found special substances in our body that can protect the genetic code from information loss. They are called telomeres. Under the influence of various factors, telomeres can shrink in size, which leads to the development of diseases such as diabetes, obesity and Alzheimer's disease. Later, Blackburn proved that stressful situations that we experience on a daily basis reduce the size of telomeres.

In 2011, scientists established a link between telomeres and meditation. They found that it is meditation that not only slows down the destruction of telomeres, but even contributes to their growth. During the experiment, participants who completed a 3-month course of meditation had 30% higher levels of telomeres in their DNA than those who had not yet begun to meditate.

In other words, meditation not only helps you find harmony with yourself and the world around you, but it is also a simple and effective way to positively influence your health. Everyone can practice meditation. You don't need to have any special skills, just follow these tips:

1. The best time to meditate is in the morning

In the morning, our brain is not yet burdened with heavy thoughts and worries. This doesn't mean that you need to get up too early. Meditation won't take much time, even 5 minutes will be enough. Moreover, in the morning, the risk of falling asleep during meditation decreases.

2. Meditate in a quiet place

To focus on the process you need to make sure to get rid of all the distractions.

3. Pick a comfortable position

This should be a stationary position with a straight back sitting on a chair, on your knees, in the lotus position. You can also meditate lying down, but for beginners it can be difficult because you can uncontrollably fall asleep during the practice.

4. Eyes, hands, and mouth

Close your eyes so that you don't get distracted by anything. Place your hands on your thighs or on your knees, palms up. Mouth is closed with a slight smile on your face.

5. Don't be too hard on yourself

If you are a beginner, you should not immediately try to meditate for too long. Start with 10-15 minutes. In the future, when meditation becomes an integral part of your life, you can start spending more time practicing it.

But the main key to success is simply to practice meditation regularly. You may not keep up with all the rules, but make sure to include it in your daily routine. Regularity and consistency is important, even with your back crooked and a loud place you're at. That is better than a perfectly executed meditation but once every six months.

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