4 min read · Food
What we eat affects how we feel. This statement also applies to men's health. There is a number of factors that affect potency that men simply can not control sometimes (for example, troubles at work, being tied up at school). However, it is possible for everyone to adjust their diet.
5 min read · Food
Diets always bring the emotional stress due to the necessary limitations. People often fall of their diets because they want to have a piece of their favorite junk food really bad. Nevertheless, these breaks are allowed and moreover, they are necessary while dieting. Eating junk food and high-calorie foods, which aren't a part of healthy eating or a diet, called cheat meal.
5 min read · Food
Coffee is one of the most popular drinks. Every day people drink about 2.25 billion cups of coffee worldwide. Debates whether this invigorating beverage is harmful or beneficial have been going on for a very long time. Fortunately for coffee lovers, more and more scientists confirm the fact that drinking coffee not only doesn't harm the body, but even has its benefits if consumed in reasonable doses.
5 min read · Food
According to scientific research, every third man faces problems that affect male’s health. Although men are not used to talking about it out loud, the fact remains. However, there are many effective and affordable ways to improve the functioning of the reproductive system. One of them is the consumption of foods that contain all the necessary vitamins and nutritional elements for men's health. Special dietary intake also aids in increasing potency.
5 min read · Food
We continue to talk about foods that positively affect men's health and increase potency in particular:
5 min read · Sex life
According to statistics, for men, their erectile function is the second most important thing after financial viability. Erectile dysfunction itself is a serious ailment. And if you consider the fact that erectile dysfunction is related to the twice increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, the problem gets even more serious.
4 min read · Food
Intermittent fasting has become widely popular in recent years. It became particularly fashionable in 2016, when a Japanese scientist, Yoshinori Osumi, received the Nobel prize for achievements in medicine and physiology. He discovered the mechanisms of autophagy in which the body produces cells that fight cancer and aging processes. These cells are produced precisely during starvation.
5 min read · Sex life
Testosterone is the main male sex hormone. Masculinity, muscle strength, clarity and sharpness of mind, self-confidence - all of that is a responsibility of testosterone. The level of testosterone in the male body decreases with age. But there is no reason to despair. After all, there are simple, and most importantly safe methods to increase your testosterone levels.
4 min read · Food
Protein, along with carbohydrates and fats, is an important component of the human body structure. It is the food that helps us to build our body. Our muscles are 80% protein. The only other substance in the human body that is found in bigger quantities than protein is water. That's why protein is referred to as the most important component of our organs.
5 min read · Food
There are still people believing that drinking small amounts of alcohol will not do any harm and a glass of red wine before a meal will even do some good. Scientists around the world have thoroughly studied this issue and have come to a consensus – any amount of alcohol is dangerous to health.
3 min read · Food
Sugar and the products made from it are very much addictive. The addiction is same as addiction to alcohol, tobacco or drugs. The only difference is that harmfulness of those mentioned above is well known, then the harmful effect of sugar on human health is underestimated by many. Moreover, even questioned sometimes.
5 min read · Fitness
Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. Influenced by many factors, the metabolism is able to accelerate or slow down. To have a better understanding of such reasons, let’s see how the process of metabolism works.
7 min read · Food
We often hear that moderate alcohol use is risk-free. And drinking a glass of red wine at dinner is even good for you. But modern science has refuted the fact that alcohol can have any positive effect on the human body. Even a few glasses of beer with your friends can cause serious damage to your health, not to mention the frequent use of strong drinks in large amounts.
4 min read · Food
It is established opinion that fats are bad for figure and health, but that's not the case at all. Not all fats are equally unhealthy. Eating the right kind of fats contributes to the normal functioning of all internal organs and even helps to lose weight.
6 min read · Food
For many of us, the morning doesn't always start with breakfast. Getting ready for work, we often end up having a cup of coffee and a sandwich at best. At worst, we don't eat at all and lack of time is generally the most popular excuse. In an unequal battle between having breakfast and sleeping an extra 10 minutes, sleep wins over and over.
4 min read · Food
For someone who has ever been on a diet, the very word "carbohydrates" sounds like something forbidden. After all, there is an opinion that the consumption of carbohydrates contributes to weight gain. That's why many people decide to give them up to lose weight.
3 min read · Fitness
Habits are the foundation of our lifestyle. We all want to develop healthy habits such as drinking at least 2 liters of water a day and have dinner three hours before going to bed. Unfortunately, not everyone can easily do it.
6 min read · Fitness
The human immune system is an elaborate protective complex (organs, cells, tissues) that fights infections, viruses, and bacteria and reduces their impact on the body. Nowadays there are a variety of vitamins and nutritional supplements to strengthen the immune system, which are so aggressively advertised in the media. But in order to act on the immune system, one "magic vitamin" will not be enough. Comprehensive measures are needed to be taken.