6 reasons not to skip breakfast

6 reasons not to skip breakfast

For many of us, the morning doesn't always start with breakfast. Getting ready for work, we often end up having a cup of coffee and a sandwich at best. At worst, we don't eat at all and lack of time is generally the most popular excuse. In an unequal battle between having breakfast and sleeping an extra 10 minutes, sleep wins over and over.

In fact, the morning meal is significantly important. Here are at least 6 reasons why you should make breakfast one of your daily rituals:

1. Metabolic boost

It is breakfast that get out body going after sleep. Fredrik Karpe, a professor at the center for diabetes, endocrinology and metabolism at the University of Oxford, supports this idea.

2. Optimal weight

People who are used to skipping breakfast are more likely to gain extra weight. According to statistics, the metabolism of those who have breakfast is 3-4% higher than the average. Those who skip the morning meal, have their metabolic rate below the average by 5-6%. Over a year this category of people gains 3-6 kg. The reason for this is very clear. If you do not eat in the morning, then you will feel a strong sense of hunger by lunch. This results in uncontrolled snacking and overeating.

3. All-day energy

Our body actively recovers at night. The food we eat in the morning makes up for all the energy that was spent. If you skip breakfast, the body will take the energy it's lacking from its own reserves. As a result you will feel stressed and lightheaded.

4. Healthy cardiovascular system

Those who don't eat breakfast often eat prior to bedtime and make up for the missing energy by eating high-fat, high-calorie foods. This disrupts the metabolism and leads to the accumulation of cholesterol.

American and Chinese scientists analyzed data on the health status of Americans. Regular breakfast has been shown to reduce the risk of early death and heart disease by 87%.

5. Increased mindfulness and concentration

Having breakfast improves memory and mindfulness. That was proved by scientists from the University of Ohio. That's why it is recommended to eat food that’s rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals in the morning . This food normalizes blood sugar and improves brain activity.

6. Positivity

A healthy breakfast in the morning will put you in a good mood. After a meal, you can sort out the important things and not be distracted by a persistent feeling of hunger and rumbling in the stomach.

If you have recognized the importance of breakfast, it is time to put aside excuses. Here are 6 tips for getting started with breakfast, even if breakfast wasn't part of your morning routine before:

Drink a glass of clean water on an empty stomach in the morning

Water will help kick-start your metabolism.

Do a short workout

During exercise you will spend calories, therefore get hungry.

Take a contrast shower

Taking a shower can be compared to the effect of meditation or aerobic exercise. While showering, our brain is calm, relaxed and not distracted by information coming from outside.

Don't eat too much at night

If you stuff yourself before going to bed, then feeling full in the morning is quite understandable. The last meal of the day should be at least three hours before you go to sleep. Try to call it a day with a light protein meal and go to sleep feeling slightly hungry. This way breakfast in the morning will be something to look forward to.

Make delicious and healthy food

And it is better to prepare the food in the evening. You can even roll out of bed earlier to eat your favourite food.

Try intermittent fasting

This way of eating has become very popular all over the world. Its point is that within 8 hours you eat but within the other 16 hours you don't consume any food, only liquids (water, tea, and coffee without sugar or milk). In this case, every morning you won't have to force yourself to eat, you will count the minutes to have breakfast.

It's time to seriously think about the importance of breakfast and stop skipping it. If you set up the routine properly and follow simple recommendations, then very soon you will truly appreciate all the perks of a morning meal.

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