6 min read · Sex life
Prostatitis ranks first among all diseases of men's health: according to statistics, it affects about 35% of young and middle-aged men. Despite the fact that this is a fairly common problem, not all men aware of inside information on their main enemy.
4 min read · Food
Intermittent fasting has become widely popular in recent years. It became particularly fashionable in 2016, when a Japanese scientist, Yoshinori Osumi, received the Nobel prize for achievements in medicine and physiology. He discovered the mechanisms of autophagy in which the body produces cells that fight cancer and aging processes. These cells are produced precisely during starvation.
6 min read · Sex life
Sex began 380 million years ago. And although the first lucky ones were fish from Western Australia, lots of research has been done and many scientific papers have been written about the benefits of sex for human beings. One of them confirmed that having sex three times a week will make you look as much as 10 years younger. Dr. Wicks states the following: the way we look only 25% depends on genetic factors. And the remaining 75% is determined by the way of life that we lead.
5 min read · Facts
Those who like to diversify their intimate life by watching porn often wonder why sex in reality is so different from what they see in movie scenes.
5 min read · Sex life
Testosterone is the main male sex hormone. Masculinity, muscle strength, clarity and sharpness of mind, self-confidence - all of that is a responsibility of testosterone. The level of testosterone in the male body decreases with age. But there is no reason to despair. After all, there are simple, and most importantly safe methods to increase your testosterone levels.
4 min read · Food
Protein, along with carbohydrates and fats, is an important component of the human body structure. It is the food that helps us to build our body. Our muscles are 80% protein. The only other substance in the human body that is found in bigger quantities than protein is water. That's why protein is referred to as the most important component of our organs.
7 min read · Facts
Men are not used to complaining about their problems, even if they are related to health. According to statistics provided by the Adolescent male health press, representatives of the male population are being examined by doctors in their childhood, and the next time they seek medical help is at the age of 50, when they already may have serious diseases.
5 min read · Food
There are still people believing that drinking small amounts of alcohol will not do any harm and a glass of red wine before a meal will even do some good. Scientists around the world have thoroughly studied this issue and have come to a consensus – any amount of alcohol is dangerous to health.
5 min read · Facts
There are many myths and beliefs about the penis. One of them, which claims that it is possible to determine the length of the penis by the shoe size, was disproved by a study published in the medical journal BJU International. And although the penis subject is studied inside out, in fact, there are many little-known facts about the main male organ.
5 min read · Facts
Did you know that in the early stages of development in the mother's womb, we all start as girls? And only at a certain moment, being influenced by male hormones, the clitoris turns into a penis. Evidence for this transmission is the trace that is located on the back of the male sexual organ from the foreskin to the perineum. Got you interested? And here are some more unusual and little known facts about the penis:
6 min read · Stress
We all know firsthand what stress is. Many people are constantly under stress, from the moment they wake up until the lights go out: morning rush, traffic jams, job problems, children running around the house and lots of other worries. This hectic pace of life not only causes psychological discomfort but can also lead to the development of chronic diseases. Therefore, it is important to know how to deal with stress.
3 min read · Fitness
Research conducted by scientists from the University of Michigan confirms that just an hour of physical exercise (and it doesn't have to be a full gym workout) boosts our mood and stimulates the production of endorphins, hormones that make us happy. That's why we feel so good after exercising.
7 min read · Sex life
The male reproductive cell is very small, just 50 micrometers. And in order to reach the egg and fertilize it, the spermatozoa need to travel 20 thousand times their own size. If spermatozoa are not able to do that, men are given a disappointing diagnosis of "infertility". Male infertility is a disease of the reproductive system in which spermatozoa are either not formed at all, or they are not able to reach the female germ cells.
3 min read · Fitness
People often assume that exercising is an option for weight loss only. In fact, exercise motivation should be sought not just in the pursuit of an ideal body. Regular training is necessary for overall health.
7 min read · Sex life
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a disease that is characterized by the inability to achieve or keep an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse. Men who suffer from this disease cannot lead a full sex life. Previously, erectile dysfunction was also often called "impotence" but in modern medicine this term is no longer used because of the hidden condemnatory subtext.
3 min read · Food
Sugar and the products made from it are very much addictive. The addiction is same as addiction to alcohol, tobacco or drugs. The only difference is that harmfulness of those mentioned above is well known, then the harmful effect of sugar on human health is underestimated by many. Moreover, even questioned sometimes.
5 min read · Sex life
To become sex guru, to give genuine pleasure to your partner and get it yourself, it is not quite enough to study the Kama Sutra and change a dozen sexual partners. Sure thing, experience is important. But there are a number of other factors that affect our feelings when we are being intimate. Relationships we have with a partner, the amount and quality of sleep, the general emotional state of an individual. The list keeps going on. But today we want to talk about what stands in the way of quality sex.
5 min read · Fitness
Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. Influenced by many factors, the metabolism is able to accelerate or slow down. To have a better understanding of such reasons, let’s see how the process of metabolism works.
6 min read · Sex life
On may 20, 2015, experts from the Harvard Medical school published the fact that an active sex life reduces the risk of prostate cancer by 22%. That means that men need sex not only to meet their physiological needs but also to maintain their health.
3 min read · Fitness
Every athlete, especially a beginner, is familiar with the sore muscles after training. This means that the body has not had time to recover from physical exertion. It is extremely important to give your body rest that it needs after each workout. If you ignore this basic principle, all the efficiency of exercising will equal zero.