
Size doesn't matter: 5 facts to prove it

Size doesn't matter: 5 facts to prove it

Many believe that the size of the penis depends on how good a man is in bed. And although this myth has been repeatedly dispelled by numerous studies, the desire to possess the penis no shorter than 15 centimeters is still there among a lot of men. But those men who are "lucky" to have a giant penis are not happy about it, and even on the contrary – are deeply unhappy.
How habits and lifestyle affect men's health. Part 1

How habits and lifestyle affect men's health. Part 1

Sexual health is greatly influenced by the lifestyle that men lead and the habits that they have. Sometimes what seems normal can often result in negative consequences and affect the quality of intimate life.
How habits and lifestyle affect men's health. Part 2

How habits and lifestyle affect men's health. Part 2

Sexual activity is one of the most crucial constituents of men's life. Irregular intimate life, absence of a permanent sexual partner, chronic stress – all this can affect sexual health of men and not in a good way. In this article we continue to explore the ways lifestyle affects men's health.
8 true porn facts

8 true porn facts

Those who like to diversify their intimate life by watching porn often wonder why sex in reality is so different from what they see in movie scenes.
10 tips on how to be in control of men's health

10 tips on how to be in control of men's health

Men are not used to complaining about their problems, even if they are related to health. According to statistics provided by the Adolescent male health press, representatives of the male population are being examined by doctors in their childhood, and the next time they seek medical help is at the age of 50, when they already may have serious diseases.
24 fascinating facts about the penis. Part 1

24 fascinating facts about the penis. Part 1

There are many myths and beliefs about the penis. One of them, which claims that it is possible to determine the length of the penis by the shoe size, was disproved by a study published in the medical journal BJU International. And although the penis subject is studied inside out, in fact, there are many little-known facts about the main male organ.
24 fascinating facts about the penis. Part 2

24 fascinating facts about the penis. Part 2

Did you know that in the early stages of development in the mother's womb, we all start as girls? And only at a certain moment, being influenced by male hormones, the clitoris turns into a penis. Evidence for this transmission is the trace that is located on the back of the male sexual organ from the foreskin to the perineum. Got you interested? And here are some more unusual and little known facts about the penis:
5 worst enemies of good sex

5 worst enemies of good sex

To become sex guru, to give genuine pleasure to your partner and get it yourself, it is not quite enough to study the Kama Sutra and change a dozen sexual partners. Sure thing, experience is important. But there are a number of other factors that affect our feelings when we are being intimate. Relationships we have with a partner, the amount and quality of sleep, the general emotional state of an individual. The list keeps going on. But today we want to talk about what stands in the way of quality sex.
What exactly makes an erection happen

What exactly makes an erection happen

Looking at a beautiful woman, a healthy man has a natural reaction – he gets turned on and the penis becomes firm. This normal process is rooted in the male physiology. However, not that many people wonder how exactly this happens.
8 major myths about male potency

8 major myths about male potency

The subject of male potency has been much spoken about lately. Since there is so much interest in this matter, there are many opinions that spread by word of mouth, even though many of them have nothing to do with the reality of the matter. Is masturbation a natural remedy for male potency or not? Is being good in bed actually about penis size?
5 diseases that lead to impotence

5 diseases that lead to impotence

20% of men aged 20-30 face erectile dysfunction, so this disease can be rightfully called the most common male disease. And by the age of 50, 53% of men happen to be unable to get and maintain an erection. By itself, erectile dysfunction severely affects the emotional state of men, since they cannot have a fulfilling sex life. Moreover, impotence can indicate the possible existence of other serious diseases.
5 myths about sex you need to stop believing

5 myths about sex you need to stop believing

The subject of sex has been a taboo for so long that people made up myriads of myths and fantasies about it. Even now, not everyone can talk about intimacy without hesitation, so all these misbeliefs that have nothing to do with reality continue to exist in the minds of many people.
10 pounds off: what happens to the male body after losing weight

10 pounds off: what happens to the male body after losing weight

Ten pounds is just a conditional benchmark. Some men need to lose 20-30 pounds to get in shape. And some who have lost only 10 pounds, can become emaciated, to the point where you could literally count the ribs. To understand whether you need to drop weight or not, you should measure the abdominal circumference at the top point or at the level of the navel. If the measurement exceeds 38 inches, then there is a risk of developing atherosclerosis, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and heart attack increases. That doesn't leave much to look forward to, but do not despair right away. To avoid the development of severe cardiovascular diseases, you need to fix the problem of being overweight.
Surprising facts about sex. Part 1

Surprising facts about sex. Part 1

Sex... a subject that catches the interest of many. And the question pops up, what possibly we don't know about intimacy, since everything regarding the sex topic has already been studied inside and out? But every year we get more and more new facts about this kind of enjoyable activity for both men and women.
10 fascinating facts about testosterone

10 fascinating facts about testosterone

Testosterone and other sex hormones have been under the microscope of scientific research since 1849. 40 years later, at the meeting of the Paris biological society, professor of experimental biology Brown-Séquard announced the results of the experiments conducted. He injected himself with testicular extracts, the source of testosterone, that resulted in rejuvenated physical. By the way, the professor was 72 years old at that time. But the effect lasted only for 2 or 3 months. And the scientist's health could get worse after each time.
Surprising facts about men's health: questions and answers

Surprising facts about men's health: questions and answers

The color of the penis can vary from the skin color elsewhere on the body. And that applies to representatives of any race. Lindsay Bordone, a dermatologist at Columbia University medical center, believes that the color depends on the stage of puberty. When sex hormones interact with melatonin in the skin cells of the penis.
5 important questions about men's health

5 important questions about men's health

All over the world, men live less than women. On average, for 10 years. Despite this fact, the gentlemen stubbornly continue to avoid going to the doctor, even when push comes to shove. According to statistics, men are 20% less likely to seek medical help than women. This disappointing pattern suggests that men really should start taking care of their health. And better start doing it at a young age.
7 habits you need to quit

7 habits you need to quit

Drinking ranks first among the most annoying men's habits. The American scientists from the center for family relations reached this conclusion in the course of a survey in which 1,500 women took part. Ladies are not happy when their man spends every evening over a bottle of beer, thereby causing harm to their male health.
9 facts about sleep that might surprise you

9 facts about sleep that might surprise you

We already know that sleep is crucial for our health. We learnt what time to go to bed and how many hours of sleep is enough for us to feel good and for our internal systems to work properly.