4 min read · Food
What we eat affects how we feel. This statement also applies to men's health. There is a number of factors that affect potency that men simply can not control sometimes (for example, troubles at work, being tied up at school). However, it is possible for everyone to adjust their diet.
7 min read · Sex life
One of the main indicators of good men's health is a strong erection. But sexual arousal is a complex process that involves various systems of the male body (nervous, endocrine, circulatory). If you start to notice that it is difficult for you to achieve a firm erection, you should pay some more attention to your lifestyle. Perhaps this can be the root of the problem.
4 min read · Facts
Many believe that the size of the penis depends on how good a man is in bed. And although this myth has been repeatedly dispelled by numerous studies, the desire to possess the penis no shorter than 15 centimeters is still there among a lot of men. But those men who are "lucky" to have a giant penis are not happy about it, and even on the contrary – are deeply unhappy.
6 min read · Sex life
Every man is different and sex duration also differs from couple to couple. Doctors consider sex that lasts more than two minutes to be the norm. But that will not be enough for women: in order to get aroused and reach orgasm, ladies need at least 10 minutes. Scientists calculated the ideal duration of sex in an experiment where 432 couples took part. 12 minutes, this is the time during which both partners are able to have an orgasm and experience the true pleasure of sexual intercourse.
5 min read · Food
Diets always bring the emotional stress due to the necessary limitations. People often fall of their diets because they want to have a piece of their favorite junk food really bad. Nevertheless, these breaks are allowed and moreover, they are necessary while dieting. Eating junk food and high-calorie foods, which aren't a part of healthy eating or a diet, called cheat meal.
6 min read · Sex life
Good sex is the key to a strong relationship. In order to succeed in this arena, men need to master the science called "passionate and unbridled sex". Here are 8 rules that any man who wants to drive his partner crazy in bed must know:
5 min read · Food
Coffee is one of the most popular drinks. Every day people drink about 2.25 billion cups of coffee worldwide. Debates whether this invigorating beverage is harmful or beneficial have been going on for a very long time. Fortunately for coffee lovers, more and more scientists confirm the fact that drinking coffee not only doesn't harm the body, but even has its benefits if consumed in reasonable doses.
6 min read · Fitness
Kegel exercises come in handy for men's health at any age. Initially, this exercise became popular among women. However, recently, it was advised to do these exercises for the gentlemen too. It helps to improve men's health and sexual performance. In addition, to perform this exercise, there is no need to go to the gym, you can do it anywhere – at home, in the car, in the office.
5 min read · Food
According to scientific research, every third man faces problems that affect male’s health. Although men are not used to talking about it out loud, the fact remains. However, there are many effective and affordable ways to improve the functioning of the reproductive system. One of them is the consumption of foods that contain all the necessary vitamins and nutritional elements for men's health. Special dietary intake also aids in increasing potency.
5 min read · Food
We continue to talk about foods that positively affect men's health and increase potency in particular:
6 min read · Sleep
One of the main wellness rules states that it is essential to sleep about 8 hours a day. Although each of us knows this principle, for some reason, not all of us attach great importance to it. And those who have already recognized all the benefits of a decent night's sleep, sometimes just can't adjust their schedule.
7 min read · Stress
Stress is firmly embedded in our lives. It became normal to be under stress for every man. Many men's diseases result from constant stress. However, stress is not always a bad thing, there is a stress that we badly need. Therefore, it is important to be able to recognize the difference between good and bad stress, as well as to be aware of the possible consequences of the last one.
4 min read · Fitness
Short morning workouts get you into the habit of doing sports, boost your energy and help you to get in shape. Which is why many fitness guides recommend to take note of morning exercise and point out its efficiency comparing to working out in the evening.
6 min read · Sex life
For men, problems regarding their intimate life are probably the most important ones. And, of course, when there are erection problems, men tend to experience the highest emotional tension and stress. Feeling of anxiety leaves an imprint on the mental state of a man, not allowing him to live normally, work, and concentrate on things that are important to him. All of that definitely affects the quality of sex.
6 min read · Facts
Sexual health is greatly influenced by the lifestyle that men lead and the habits that they have. Sometimes what seems normal can often result in negative consequences and affect the quality of intimate life.
6 min read · Facts
Sexual activity is one of the most crucial constituents of men's life. Irregular intimate life, absence of a permanent sexual partner, chronic stress – all this can affect sexual health of men and not in a good way. In this article we continue to explore the ways lifestyle affects men's health.
5 min read · Sex life
According to statistics, for men, their erectile function is the second most important thing after financial viability. Erectile dysfunction itself is a serious ailment. And if you consider the fact that erectile dysfunction is related to the twice increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, the problem gets even more serious.
4 min read · Sleep
Everyone is familiar with the situation when the alarm goes off in the morning and you just keep hitting the snooze button. Hitting it again and again. As a result it is more difficult to roll out of bed. So things that were supposed to be done in the morning aren't being done and the feeling of tiredness haunts you all day.
5 min read · Sex life
Erectile dysfunction is a common problem that men can face at any age. Scientists have found that about 30 million Americans suffer from this disease. Some studies give even more disappointing numbers: only 10% of the male population aged 20 to 75 years does not experience any problems with an erection.
3 min read · Fitness
What is the first thing that comes to mind when we hear "lifebuoy"? A buoyant support for keeping a person afloat in water, right? But we want to talk about another "lifebuoy" in the form of a fat layer around the belly and waist. To be precise - where it comes from and how it affects the body.