6 reasons why woman rejects sex

6 reasons why woman rejects sex

Sex began 380 million years ago. And although the first lucky ones were fish from Western Australia, lots of research has been done and many scientific papers have been written about the benefits of sex for human beings. One of them confirmed that having sex three times a week will make you look as much as 10 years younger. Dr. Wicks states the following: the way we look only 25% depends on genetic factors. And the remaining 75% is determined by the way of life that we lead.

It's time to find out why you don't have as much sex in your life as you would like. And why your girlfriend is refusing sex again and again.

Here are 6 main factors that explain this:

1. Your personal hygiene isn't the best

We are not talking about just taking a shower, brushing your teeth and shaving. Of course, there is no excuse for forgetting these basic rules of personal hygiene. But girls are delicate and gentle creatures. They pay attention to everything. So try to go further: change your bed sheets and towels, buy yourself a new cologne. Trust us, she will definitely see and appreciate it.

2. She doesn't enjoy intimacy

In a course of one study, sexologists found out that 35% of women do not reach an orgasm during sex. On the Internet, you can still find many forums where desperate ladies ask for advice on how to still get the cherished pleasure. Experts in the field of sexual relations believe that the reasons for the lack of orgasm in women can be different:

  • The inexperience of partners
  • Low self-esteem and shyness of a woman, which does not allow her to relax in bed and enjoy the process
  • Inattention on the part of a man who takes into account his own needs only

To cope with this problem, sexologists advise you to talk to your partner about sex, figure out comfortable positions for both of you, and pay attention to foreplay and the duration of sexual intercourse. If you help your girlfriend and she starts getting orgasms, then she will want sex all the time.

3. She is exhausted

Work, chores, raising children - all these women take on their fragile shoulders, forgetting about themselves and their interests. Help her, even if she doesn't ask for it. Agree, your other half will be happy if you wash the dishes or do the ironing instead. And the more often you do this, the more the woman will feel that you love her not only for the delicious dinner and perfectly cleaned home. This will help her relax from time to time. This means that she will have more energy to indulge your desires in bed.

4. You don't compliment her as much as you used to

Many men overlook how important it is for a woman to hear "I love you", "You are gorgeous", "You look great". Women love with their ears. Compliments, romantic dates are essential to them like air. When this is not the case, she begins to think that your affection has grown cold or even that you have fallen out of love with her. Do your best to fix this right away. And then memorable sex is guaranteed.

5. She thinks all you need is sex

The more persistent you are in trying to get sex, the more the woman suspects that that is all you need from her. Then what's the point of all this if you only have a relationship status on social media and a half-hour fluid exchange? And if it isn't the actual case, it's time to convince her otherwise.

6. She wants more

Perhaps she has secret sexual desires that she is just too embarrassed to say out loud. Or maybe she simply wants to get married, and there is still no proposal from you. Often men just do not realize that there is some kind of understatement. Meanwhile, you and your other half are growing apart more and more. All that is directly reflected in sex. After all, for women, this is more of a spiritual process than a physical one. Don't forget to talk to each other. And be honest and upfront about it.

In fact, there are many reasons for refusal. She forgot to shave her legs or it is that time of the month. Talk to her, find out the real reason. You should not "persuade" her against her will. After all, strong relationships are built on trust and mutual respect. And then the desire to have sex will always be mutual.

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