Alcohol and a healthy lifestyle: compatible or not?

Alcohol and a healthy lifestyle: compatible or not?

There are still people believing that drinking small amounts of alcohol will not do any harm and a glass of red wine before a meal will even do some good. Scientists around the world have thoroughly studied this issue and have come to a consensus – any amount of alcohol is dangerous to health.

The latest large-scale study published in the Lancet journal analyzed 700 information sources on alcohol consumption by people from 195 countries. 600 different studies on the effects of alcohol were gone through, which involved 28 million people. Scientists came to the conclusion that there is no evidence to support the fact that alcohol anyhow can have a positive effect on human health. Moreover, experts have confirmed that alcohol is one of the most mass murderers on the planet. And the safest thing to do is to stop consuming it at all together.

So what is an alcoholic drink? This is an alcoholic beverage that contains ethanol. Our body has no place to store ethanol, unlike proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Therefore, under the influence of enzymes, ethanol is immediately digested and converted into acetaldehyde – a powerful poison to our body.

Let's see what kind of effects this poisonous substance has:

Alcohol interferes with protein synthesis

In a study published in the journal «Alcohol And Alcoholism» in 1991, it was proved that chronic alcohol consumption interferes with protein synthesis and can cause myopathy. This is a condition in which muscle fibers atrophy, leading to physical weakness and even paralysis.

Alcohol depresses the central nervous system

The Rugby players who consumed alcohol as part of the experiment showed a deterioration in memory functions slowing down the speed of reaction and decision-making.


To break down alcohol, the kidneys need to filter out a large amount of liquid. Then it takes several days to fully restore.

The level of testosterone in your body decreases

When alcohol is broken down in the liver, a chain of chemical reactions occurs, during which testosterone is destroyed.

Alcohol contains a lot of calories

After drinking 2 glasses of wine, you increase your daily calorie intake by as much as 400 Kcal. Moreover, these calories are empty, they contain no fat, protein, or carbohydrates.

Alcohol lowers the level of vitamins and minerals extremely quickly

Vitamins A, B, C, as well as minerals such as zinc, calcium, and phosphorus are the first ones to get the axe of all.

Ethanol takes a long time to get out of the body

The body will need 48 hours to remove 30 g of alcohol.

Even one glass of wine can be harmful to the body. Therefore, before you drink, you need to remind yourself of all the consequences and then decide whether it's worth it or not.

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