How habits and lifestyle affect men's health. Part 1
6 min read · Facts
Sexual health is greatly influenced by the lifestyle that men lead and the habits that they have. Sometimes what seems normal can often result in negative consequences and affect the quality of intimate life.
Here are some habits to give up:
Sedentary lifestyle
- Scientists from Appalachian state University conducted a study in which they found that a sedentary lifestyle weakens the immune system and its resistance to infectious diseases. Moreover, this kind of lifestyle decreases muscle tone, which negatively affects the erection quality and sex in general.
- Sedentary lifestyle leads to pelvic blood stasis in men. Because of that, the temperature stays high all the time. Sex cells stop being produced and later that becomes the reason for impotence.
- Those who spend more than 4 hours a day at the computer have a 70% increased risk of developing osteochondrosis, hernia and other musculoskeletal disorders. Being in a sitting position for a long time generates tension in the lumbar region, reducing the distance between the vertebrae. This can cause pinching of the sciatic nerve (it connects the central nervous system, lower limbs and pelvic organs). All of the above leads to a deterioration in erectile function and a lack of intimacy due to constant pain in legs and back.
- A sedentary lifestyle is also a reason for obesity, cancer, the progression of metabolic syndrome and heart disease. About 60% of deaths in the developed countries occur due to the above-mentioned diseases.
Bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs)
- In 2014, a study conducted by Chinese scientists found that smokers are 51% more likely to develop erectile dysfunction than those who do not smoke.
- Another study confirms that 70% of all potency problems are related to nicotine addiction. Nicotine reduces the amount of sperm produced: due to smoking, the renewal of seminal fluid, which usually occurs once every three months, slows down. As a result, the spermatozoa become sedentary.
- Alcohol abuse leads to the suppression of various processes in the body, including erection. Moreover, the liver suffers greatly from alcohol addiction, which causes a metabolic disorder of sex hormones, including testosterone. Under the influence of ethyl alcohol, the hormone testosterone turns into the female hormone estrone.
- Healthy potency and marijuana are two incompatible concepts of coexisting. Scientists have demonstrated that those men who regularly smoke weed have 37% lower spermatozoa concentration, compared to those who do not use this type of narcotics. The study also revealed the following indicators: the number of healthy spermatozoa decreased by 57%, defective male germ cells increased by 23%, and dead cells increased by 19%.
Poor diet
- Excessive sugar intake increases insulin in the blood, which disrupts the work of free testosterone molecules. Because of the increase in glucose levels, the conductivity of nerve endings decreases. That is bad for men's sexual capabilities.
- Eating foods that contain a lot of trans fat leads to the accumulation of excessive adipose tissue. Earlier we talked about the fact that the growth of fat cells in the men's body increases the production of the female hormone oestrogen and reduces the production of testosterone. And foods that are high in fat results in lack of blood flow, including the one to the male genitals. That is the result of trans fats tending to be build up in the walls of arteries, impairing the movement of blood through them.
- Meat products that are made from ground meat and smoked meats might be dangerous since they contain liquid smoke. It has a toxic effect on the testicles, which in turn leads to a decrease in testosterone production.
Those are not all the habits that can damage men's health. In the next article, we will discuss what are other things that should be excluded from your daily life.