5 diseases that lead to impotence

5 diseases that lead to impotence

20% of men aged 20-30 face erectile dysfunction, so this disease can be rightfully called the most common male disease. And by the age of 50, 53% of men happen to be unable to get and maintain an erection. By itself, erectile dysfunction severely affects the emotional state of men, since they cannot have a fulfilling sex life. Moreover, impotence can indicate the possible existence of other serious diseases.

1. Diabetes

80% of men with diabetes later develop impotence. And it can practically happen at any age. Among all the reasons that can lead to a decline in sexual function, diabetes takes 40% of the total number of cases.

This effect on the erectile function of men is explained by the fact that diabetes has a negative impact on the work of the nervous and vascular systems. Due to the high glucose content in the blood, "sugar proteins" appear and disrupt the work of the brain and circulatory system of the body, as well as reduce the conduction of nerve impulses necessary for sexual arousal. In addition, high sugar levels reduce the production of testosterone – the main male hormone responsible for libido.

The ways to prevent that:

  • Eat healthy
  • Be physically active, walk more
  • Be aware of your weight
  • Test your blood sugar levels and blood pressure

2. Prostate cancer

Prostate cancer itself does not cause impotence, but its treatment can reduce erectile function in men. During radiation therapy, hormonal drugs treatment, or surgical removal of a tumor, important nerves that are responsible for erections may be affected.

The ways to prevent that:

  • Monitor your weight (studies confirm that overweight men suffer from more aggressive forms of prostate cancer and have a higher death rate from cancer than patients having healthy weight)
  • Use protection (this will help you reduce the risk of contracting STDs, which in turn can cause inflammation and prostate cancer)
  • Eat healthy
  • Be physically active

3. Liver disease

A healthy liver is the guarantee of good potency. The liver is involved in the production of testosterone, removing harmful substances from the blood and improving the absorption of useful ones. If the liver is affected by an alcohol consumption, the cause of potency problems is most likely to be an alcohol addiction.

The ways to prevent that:

  • Quit bad habits (drinking alcohol, smoking)
  • Eat healthy
  • Use protection
  • Manage and reduce stress
  • Monitor your weight
  • Lead an active lifestyle

4. Coronary heart disease

The disease develops when the coronary arteries become too narrow. "Bad" cholesterol builds up on the artery walls, creating plaques, which block or interrupt normal blood flow. Due to the fact that the heart does not receive the necessary amount of blood, ischemic disease develops, which is usually accompanied by arrhythmia and high blood pressure.

Here's how it relates to an erection. The fact is that the endothelium (the inner layer of blood vessels) gives a signal to the vessels when they should contract and relax. In case of coronary heart disease, the endothelium ceases to perform its functions, and the vessel walls cannot relax and widen. As a result, the vessels that carry blood to the penis do not function. Since the arteries of the sexual system are much narrower than those that provide blood to the brain and heart, a disruption of blood flow first leads to a reduced erectile function, and only then – to coronary heart disease.

The ways to prevent that:

  • Be aware of your body weight
  • Eat healthy
  • Be physically active

5. Heart attack and stroke

American scientists analyzed data from more than 150,000 men and came to the conclusion that erectile dysfunction can be a sign of an impending stroke or heart attack. The results of this study were published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. All these problems are the result of congestive heart failure. Poor circulation in narrow vessels leads to the organ failure.

The ways to prevent that:

  • Monitor blood cholesterol and glucose levels
  • Eat healthy
  • Walk and exercise more
  • Give up bad habits

Thus, erectile dysfunction can be a sign of various severe diseases, since the vessels in the penis are narrow, it is the exact organ takes the bullet first. If you happen to have erection problems, you should immediately consult a doctor. A timely diagnosis of the disease will help to avoid serious consequences in the future.

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