Surprising facts about sex. Part 2

Surprising facts about sex. Part 2

We keep surprising you with some extraordinary facts about sex that you might not have known about.

1. In the future, we will be having sex with robots

That is what scientists say. According to David levy of the University of Maastricht (Netherlands), this possibly could happen in 35 years. He believes that by 2050, people will be able to marry robots. So to engage in sexual contact with them. But according to Sunderland Helen Driscoll from the British University, this kind of change for humanity is expected to happen only by 2070. And he thinks that all that will only benefit people, making us more liberated. And you will not need to plan date nights, buy gifts. And a robot will not fool you having an affair.

2. Sex in the morning is better than gymnastics

Sexologists from Queen's University Belfast came to this exact conclusion. They studied the effects of sex and exercise on just awakened body. And they found that morning sex is more beneficial for your health. Scientists have discovered that sexual intercourse helps to adjust the breathing, and strengthen the body (chest, buttocks, pelvic muscles). Sex is also a good prevention of cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, migraines and bad mood. And this kind of activity is way more enjoyable than doing boring bends or squats alone.

3. Spermatozoa in sperm banks are stored at a temperature of minus 196 degrees

4. It's not just people who have sex for pleasure

This is also typical for dolphins and pygmy chimpanzees.

5. Greece is revealed to rank the first of the world's most sexually active nations

They have sex about 138 times a year. Anti-record holders in this regard are the Japanese, they have sex only 45 times a year.

6. During sex, the pulse can reach 140 beats per minute

Normally, only people suffering from tachycardia show numbers this high.

7. Women are the ones initiating sex in inappropriate places

This fact was established by German psychologists. The survey, which they conducted among residents of Stuttgart, revealed that 33% of women have had sex in the car, 13% - in the fitting rooms. At the same time, 78% of the male population of the city admitted that they never wanted to have sex outside the house, as getting intimate in crowded places causes hesitation and discomfort.

8. The vibrator was invented by doctor George Taylor in the late 19th century

At the time, it was used to treat hysteria in women. Did you have a clue that the word "hysteria" in Greek means uterus?

9. Over a lifetime, a man ejaculates about 17 liters of sperm

And that's 500 billion sperm cells.

10. Every third sex happens in a missionary position

The second popular position is "doggy style". And the third – lying on the side, when the man is behind.

11. Female penguins have sex not for pleasure, but to get building materials

This means that if the male offers a pebble in exchange for sexual intercourse, the female will agree.

Of course, sex is more pleasant to do than to study the scientific side of this issue. But you must agree that some facts are truly fascinating and surprising. We hope that the information in our article really made you wonder what else you don't know.

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