How to become a morning person and get up early
Everyone is familiar with the situation when the alarm goes off in the morning and you just keep hitting the snooze button. Hitting it again and again. As a result it is more difficult to roll out of bed. So things that were supposed to be done in the morning aren't being done and the feeling of tiredness haunts you all day.
But is getting up early is necessary at all? Someone will say "I am not a lark, getting up early isn't for me" and will be wrong. The connection between early awakening and well-being has been proven by science. Scientists from the University of Texas conducted a study that confirmed the impact of quality sleep on brain activity. It was found that students who start their day earlier are more likely to get higher grades than those ones who get up late.
The explanation for the importance of early rising lies in the fact that our body is closely connected with the sun and its cycles. The state of the body and mind directly depend on what time we get up. That was already claimed in ancient times: Pythagoras and his disciples would wake up before the sun rose.
Getting up early is a good habit that needs to be integrated into your lifestyle. Here are 8 steps to make it happen:
Think about your objectives for the next day
Important things that you plan will be a good motivation to get up early (for example, morning workout).
Monitor the quality and quantity of sleep
Decent sleep is the key to having energy all day long. It doesn't matter what time you get up. The main thing is how much time you spend sleeping. A person needs about 8 hours of sleep to rest and recover.
Go to bed and wake up at the same time
In order to wake up early, you need to go to bed early. It is absolutely crucial to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Our body loves when we settle into a routine.
Place your alarm far enough away from your bed
You will have to get out of bed to turn off the alarm. That will force you to start your day and even better, make you forget about the snooze button.
Wash your face and brush your teeth
These standard procedures will also help to feel more alert.
Open a window
Fresh air and daylight will get you out of your sleepy state.
Drink water
The body needs liquid after sleep. Dehydration causes fatigue. Also a glass of water in the morning starts the metabolic processes.
Do a short morning workout
Physical activity will increase your energy and add some strength for the upcoming challenges.
Remember, your performance depends on the manner in which you start your day. Evaluate the importance of getting up early in the morning and put an effort to make it your daily ritual. No need to rush. Every habit takes time. Start implementing all the steps gradually and add a new one every week.