Why walking is so much more beneficial than it seems

Why walking is so much more beneficial than it seems

In the pursuit of an ideal body and a healthy lifestyle, a person spends a tons of money on gym memberships, a personal trainer and sportswear. But we forget that there is a simpler and more accessible way to stay in shape. Which is walking.

For some reason, people underestimate the benefits of walking, although we hear scientists speak about the importance of walking for human health all the time. Harvard University conducted 7 large-scale studies involving 10,269 graduates, 44,452 medical industry workers, and 72,488 nurses. The following was identified:

  • In the graduate group, those who walked at least 9 miles (more than 2 kilometres) a day had a 22% reduced risk of death.
  • Among health workers, the risk of coronary heart disease decreased by 18% for those who walked for at least half an hour a day.
  • In the group of nurses, those who walked for 3 hours a week had a 35% lower risk of death from a heart attack, and a 34% lower risk of stroke.

So we can see a direct link between walking and our health. As the great Greek physician and philosopher Hippocrates say: "Walking is man's best medicine".

Here are 7 main advantages you get from walking regularly:

Helps you lose weight

There is no need to go for a run to get rid of those extra pounds because walking burns almost as many calories as running. For example, a person weighing 70 kg spends from 500 to 600 Kcal per hour of running, and about 250 kcal per hour of walking. So you can replace half an hour of running with an hour of walking and the results will be the same.

Doesn’t put pressure on joints

Walking is unlike running, your joints aren’t subjected to a lot of pressure. During the run, athletes have their bodies in the air for up to 45% of the time, keeping no contact with the ground. Each time landing on the ground, the body of the runner is subjected to a pressure of three times the bodyweight. Such an impact can negatively affect joint health.

Strengthens bones

Walking increases the blood supply to the bones. That prevents the development of arthritis.

Positively affects the cardiovascular system

Walking normalizes blood pressure, lowers blood sugar, and, therefore, reduces the risk of early death from heart disease.

Improves the quality of sleep

Regular walks help to cope with insomnia.

Saves your money

No need to get gym membership.

Boosts your mood

Walking in the fresh air will provide you with energy and relieve stress.

Thus, walking is the easiest and most effective way to keep fit. Walks positively affect both physical and emotional health.

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