The side effects of abstinence on male health

The side effects of abstinence on male health

No one has ever died from abstinence. Yes, that's absolutely right. But no one was ever born either. Sex is an important part of the lives for both men and women. And if ladies can cope with abstinence without much of a difficulty, then for men a long period without sex can be a real tragedy. Moreover, due to the lack of sexual activity, the male body begins to experience many problems.

Here are the most common ones:

1. Weakened immune system

Sexologist Corey B. Hoenickman in his article claims that long-term abstinence dramatically reduces the body's protective functions. Research confirms the fact that people who regularly have sex have a 33% stronger immune system.

2. The nature of dreams changes

As Sigmund Freud said, dreams are the fulfillment of our wishes and desires. If a man does not satisfy his sexual needs in reality, his subconscious will do so in a dream. Moreover, dreams can be so realistic that in some cases you can even experience an orgasm while being asleep. That could be the way for the body to relieve tension.

3. Worse mood

Semen has a peculiar antidepressant effect. Scientists from the Gallup international analytical Institute have shown that there is a correlation between mood improvement and seminal fluid. First, the subjects who took part in the study were asked whether they made love with or without a condom. Then they were asked to fill out Beck's questionnaire – one of the psychological tests used to determine the level of depression. So, for those men and women who preferred not to use condoms, the indicators on the scale were much better.

4. Disturbed hormonal cycle

Reducing or increasing the level of sex hormones can lead to serious disorders in the male body: osteoporosis, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases. In addition, hormonal imbalance is the cause of increased fatigue, baldness, irritability, weight gain. And this is not even the whole list of the consequences.

5. The body is more affected by stress

During sex, the male body produces endorphins (hormones of joy). This means that regular sex is an excellent natural antidepressant. But when a person doesn't lead an active sex life, the number of sources of happiness decreases. Combined with intense physical activity and problems at home or at work, prolonged abstinence is likely to lead to depression.

6. Excess weight problems

Many men, due to the long-term lack of intimacy, begin to look for sources of pleasure in other things. Some compensate the lack of sex with high-calorie junk food.

7. The risk of prostate cancer increases

The American urological Association has conducted a number of studies that have proven that the longer a man does not have sex, the higher the risk of getting prostatitis or prostate cancer.

8. Sleep is getting worse

Sex helps fight insomnia. After being intimate with your partner, there is a state of complete relaxation, both physical and mental. And under the influence of endorphins, the body disconnects from the daily worries and falls asleep.

Thus, a long-term sexual absence has many more negative consequences than positive ones. Perhaps the only advantage of abstinence is the absence of sexually transmitted diseases. However, that cannot be the reason to completely turn down sex. Besides, there are other ways to protect yourself. Therefore, have sex more often so you do not have to worry about all the problems mentioned above.

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