The best kind of physical activity for you: 5 tips on how to make the right choice

The best kind of physical activity for you: 5 tips on how to make the right choice

The growing popularity of office work and the increasing pace of remote work have led to more and more people stuck with a sedentary lifestyle. Thus, recent research conducted by experts from the University of Queens (Belfast) showed that 30% of the adult population of Britain sit greater than 6 hours a day. And at the weekend, when the British keep up with the lazy lifestyle staying home, crushing on the soft and cozy couches, the number rises up to 37%. Moreover, British scientists have revealed that 70 thousand people die every year in the UK of an inactive lifestyle and the diseases that accompany it.

Fortunately, there is a way to influence that – add more physical activity to your daily routine. All is left is to figure out what kind of physical activity is right for you and where to start.

To begin with, here are 6 reasons why exercise is so important for us:

  • Exercise strengthens cardiovascular, immune and musculoskeletal systems, normalizes blood pressure. Sports also increase lung capacity. That means that the body will receive more oxygen. Physical activity prevents dreadful diseases such as diabetes, osteochondrosis, and atherosclerosis.
  • Sports improve the quality of sleep. This feature was discovered by scientists from the United States. During the experiment, they forced the subjects to perform physical activity for several weeks. As a result, those people have improved their sleep and got rid of insomnia.
  • Moderate exercise improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs and increases testosterone production. Yet we are talking specifically about medium-intensity exercises. After all, doctors say that high-load training on the contrary reduces testosterone levels. Competitive cycling is not a good choice either. In 1998, Boston scientists studied the impact of this sport on men's health. Experiment participants confirmed that long bike rides led to a feeling of numbness in the groin area. Tests confirmed that regular cycling over long distances causes disruption of blood flow. Therefore, resulting in various sexual function disorders.
  • Regular exercise supports mental health. Training is a good way to deal with stress and negative emotions. After emotional discharge, you will get a portion of endorphins, recharge your batteries, and get away from your problems.
  • Exercise contributes to a better functioning of the brain improving its metabolic processes. Sports also have a positive effect on memory and creativity.
  • Exercising trains your willpower. You set goals and accomplish them, which in turn positively affects your self-esteem.

Thus, the benefits of exercise for our health are obvious. But what kind of activity to choose, so that it not only benefits health, but brings enjoyment and pleasure as well? Here are 5 tips to help you decide:

1. Analyze what you find interesting

You do not need to buy a gym membership just because many of your friends go there and working out is fashionable. Most likely, you will not enjoy the process and soon give up on the idea. Also consider whether you prefer to be a part of a team or be on your own. If you are a team player, give it a try in football, hockey, or basketball. As for individual classes, boxing, swimming, tennis, running, and wakeboarding will be just right.

2. Evaluate your physical abilities and characteristics

If you are tall, then basketball will probably suit you. If you are naturally flexible, try yoga. If you are fast, running will definitely appeal to you.

3. Evaluate the condition of your health

Before deciding on what kind of sport you want to do, it is worth consulting with your doctor. You may have some previous surgeries or illnesses that are incompatible with certain physical activity.

4. Review your schedule

Choose activities that will fit into your usual daily routine. If you like to sleep in, then you should not sign up for morning workouts. It is unlikely that you will be able to get up at 6 am on a regular basis. And even if your willpower takes over at first, you just won't last long.

5. Find out what sports clubs are available in your city

Perhaps you like to swim and decided to go swimming every week. But you could not even imagine that you may not only swim in that pool, but also play water polo, wakeboard or sapserf. If you've never heard these words before, it makes it all the more worthwhile to learn about the sports that you can do in your city. Who knows, maybe you will decide to give some a try in the near future. And be sure to attend a free trial class, if possible.

And finally, one more curious fact about the benefits exercise brings. Physically active men are 30% less likely to suffer from impotence. And plus if you enjoy exercising, it's doubly good time. That's why it's so important to choose the right type of physical activity. It also depends on how long you will remain motivated to work out and whether you will or not ditch new habits in a month.

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