5 ways to keep relationship happy

5 ways to keep relationship happy

Over the years, many couples face the same problem: feelings fade and it becomes more difficult to find a compromise. Here are 5 tips that will help you keep a happy and healthy relationship even after years of being together.

1. Don't violate each other's personal space

Even if you have the opportunity to be around each other 24/7, it is better not to. That will only lead to nothing good. Do not overwhelm your other half with endless texts on every social media existing. Put off what you want to say until the evening when you see each other. It is much more enjoyable to tell how your day went looking into each other's eyes. And at this very moment, you need to put aside your gadgets and pay full attention to your partner.

Family psychologists say that everyone should have their personal space. And the case when partners are at work during the day and see each other at home in the evenings is considered an ideal option for maintaining family relations. In this case, meeting and communicating with each other will bring joy. And it won't be a part of the "for show" ritual. Remember, quality is important here, not quantity.

2. Talk to each other and know how to listen

Heart–to-heart conversations are the key to a strong relationship. Psychologists say that some of their patients are people who love each other. But they have one problem: they don't know how to listen and hear one another. You need to be able not only to talk about your experiences, but also to listen carefully and understand the problems of your partner. And remember that all this is done in the name of love and mutual understanding.

3. Treat everything with optimism and love

Tune in to an optimistic wave and try to perceive the events that are going on with you in a positive way. Don't rush to criticize your partner's behavior right away. Look at it this way: perhaps only the best intentions are behind their actions. Here are a couple examples:

  • It's wrong to think that she wears a bathrobe or gym clothes around the house and doesn't try to dress up for you. Correct attitude: she feels good and comfortable next to you, so she is not afraid to wear home clothes.
  • It's wrong to think that she's telling you things that are so personal that you obviously shouldn't know about them. Correct attitude: she trusts you and is ready to share the most intimate things.

4. Accept each other as you are

At the very beginning of a relationship, hormones and strong emotions do not allow you to notice the partner's shortcomings. But over time, when the senses come back to normal, we start noticing something we don't like. And of course, we immediately express these complaints directly to our partner. Remember, there are no perfect people. Try to accept your partner for who they are.

By the way, research shows that we can increase our ability to love. Regular practice of love helps to train our brain. We become more sensitive and affectionate to our partner. Meditation increases the activity of the brain centers that are responsible for positive emotions, and reduces the activity of the centers of fear. All this helps us feel a deeper attachment to other people.

5. Respect each other and support each other in everything

Respect is a source of trust in a couple. Remember that even when you two are fighting. After all, everyone has their setbacks or just may be not in the best mood. At this moment, more than ever, you need the support of a loved one.

Scientists have proven that truly affectionate people have better health and even increased life expectancy. We hope that our tips will help you build a harmonious relationship that will bring joy and only positive emotions. By the way, one last recommendation. If you have a fight with a loved one, do not go to bed angry at each other. Do your best to find a way to make up. And only then go to sleep with peace of mind.

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