5 reasons men snore

5 reasons men snore

According to statistics, 30% of men snore in their sleep. And by the age of 60, this number reaches 60%. Many people do not pay attention to the fact that they snore. Particularly if snoring does not bother others and does not hinder the individual from living their normal life. But doctors believe that the causes of snoring can be quite serious.

How does snoring happen? Snoring happens because of the relaxation of the pharyngeal walls and narrowing of the breathing tube, when the soft tissues of the palate vibrate as air passes through. In some cases, the sound occurs as a result of the palatal uvula pounding.

Sometimes the airways are so narrowed and relaxed that air cannot pass into the lungs. Then the breathing stops.

Here are 5 possible reasons why you snore:

1. Sleep disorder

Men who suffer from apnea can wake up up to 200 times a night. That happens when one stops breathing for 10 seconds or more. In severe cases, breathing may stop for 2-3 minutes. It is interesting that men do not remember such frequent awakenings. Therefore, apnea can go unnoticed for many years. Especially if a man one lives alone. At the same time, one does not receive the necessary amount of oxygen every day. That is why American scientists believe that apnea can cause other serious diseases (atherosclerosis, arrhythmia, brain pathology).

2. Drinking alcohol before going to bed

Alcohol has a relaxing effect on the entire body. The muscles and ligaments of the vocal apparatus are no exception. Avoid alcohol at dinner and watch your sleep change.

3. Smoking

Chemical compounds of cigarette smoke, getting into the nasopharynx, cause swelling and inflammation of the mucous membrane, atrophy of the palate muscles. Mucus accumulates in the throat, which narrows the lumen of the respiratory tract, and the soft palate begins to beat against the walls of the pharynx. It is because of this mucus that smokers so often cough up. In addition, due to the narrowing of the airway lumen, oxygen supply to the body decreases. According to statistics, among smokers, 10% more men suffer from snoring than among non-smokers. If the addiction to cigarettes is too bad and you can't quit yet, make an effort not to smoke at least 2 hours before bedtime. That will help reduce snoring.

4. Being overweight

Scientists at the University of Pennsylvania found that overweight people snore 8-12 times more often. Scientists have also found that obesity affects the size of the tongue, or rather, its root. That can lead to apnea and snoring.

5. Thyroid diseases

Reduced thyroid function leads to the development of hypothyroidism – a disease characterized by edema and obesity of all tissues in the body, including the respiratory tract. Symptoms of the disease include: swelling of the eyes and goiter, fatigue, hoarse voice, irritability, hair loss.

Snoring signals that something is wrong with your body. Even if it doesn't bother you in any way. If you have tried many ways to get rid of snoring, but none of them helped, you should immediately seek medical help.

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